
My Honest DoFasting Review For Weight Loss


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At the start of the year, I chose to sign up for DoFasting to help me lose the holiday weight and get back into shape. I used it for three months and had some incredible results. With that said, it may be a better fit for some than others. Here is my honest DoFasting review to help you decide whether this diet plan is the best for your nutritional needs.

Our Ratings

  • Overall: 4.1/5
  • Value/price point: 4.5/5
  • UX: 3.8/5
  • Information quality: 4.5/5
  • Personalization: 5/5
  • Convenience: 4/5
  • Easy to follow: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 3.5/5
  • Community: 3.5/5
  • Customer support: 4/5
  • Goal attainment: 4.5/5
  • Supplements: 4/5

What is DoFasting?


DoFasting is a health and wellness company serving a subscription-based intermittent fasting platform alongside physical products like scales and weight loss supplements. In 2019, a group of health-savvy friends teamed up to create DoFasting, a solution for people wanting to try intermittent fasting (IF), nutrition, and wellness. Their vision? Make healthy fasting practices easy to understand with seamless integration into your daily routine. To help achieve this, DoFasting offers four products: the app, a smart scale, and supplements.

The progress tracking system is simple to use and helps monitor your food and water intake while also advising when to start and complete fasting. While IF is possible without DoFasting, the app is a great all-in-one fasting guide.

The app informs you on what to do in between and during fasts to help make your fasting window more effective. For example, it suggests what meals to choose during your eating window and which workout routines to follow.

It comes packed with tips and articles on weight loss and intermittent fasting. In a nutshell, it's like having your own personal trainer and nutritionist on deck. The DoFasting app lets you customize your fasting method to suit your lifestyle. Stay tuned as we dive into the app's features and how to use them.


How Does DoFasting Work?

DoFasting tackles health and weight loss using an integrated approach, combining nutrition, fasting tracking, customized workout plans, optional supplements, and insightful analytics. This program does a solid job of guiding you through the process without feeling lost. Once you sign up, DoFasting gets to work, crafting the ideal plan that caters to your preferences and lifestyle.

The app also helps streamline the process of keeping track of fasting and feeding hours, notifying you when it's time to start fasting and when to break your fast.

Set Your Goals

To kick things off, I completed a questionnaire that asked me about my health history, current health situation, and essential details like height, age, and weight. Then I was prompted to define my health and fitness objectives as these goals will serve as the foundation for your personalized meal and exercise plans, ensuring they align with your unique needs. Based on those responses, I received an overview of an IF game plan that was tailored to me.

There are no wrong answers, and you'll be given the flexibility to modify your goals later on if you like. My advice is not to be bashful about your goals. DoFasting will take your input and build a plan complete with how long it will take using their method.

Customize Your Meal Plan

DoFasting asks about dietary preferences, restrictions, and eating habits to get a clear picture of your nutritional requirements. If you’re a vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free eater, DoFasting will be able to accommodate you. (Something rarely seen in other app-based programs)

Based on this information, the app generates a meal plan with suggested recipes and groceries catered to you. Again, you can always modify this portion later on, and the program gives you enough flexibility in situations where you don’t want to be chained to weekly meal prep and grocery store trips.

Set Up Your Fasting Schedule

Intermittent fasting (IF) is at the core of DoFasting. For those unfamiliar, IF is an approach that involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. When it comes to weight loss, the primary goal is to reduce overall calorie intake and give the body a break from constant digestion to help improve other bodily systems to enhance performance.

With consistency, this approach may be a fast and effective path to weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and other health benefits.(1) There are various methods of intermittent fastings, such as the 16:8 method (16 hours of fasting followed by an 8-hour eating window) and the 5:2 method (eating normally for 5 days and significantly restricting calories for 2 days).(2,3)

What makes intermittent fasting unique is that it’s based on when you eat instead of what you eat. This makes it a flexible and adaptable approach to nutrition. The DoFasting app assists you in establishing a fasting schedule that suits your lifestyle. You can choose your preferred fasting window, and as you become more familiar, you can switch up this window based on your progress and evolving preferences.

Track Your Progress

With the DoFasting app, I could easily monitor my fasting and eating times, log meals, and track progress toward my goals. The app's user-friendly design made it easy to see my progess and how far along I was.

Tip: Keep the information in the app up-to-date so you get the most accurate data and the best guidance.


Access the Workout Library

DoFasting has an impressive library of at-home workout videos to fit various fitness levels and preferences. I could track my workouts through the app to make sure I was consistently active and engaged. The app will suggest a workout plan, which you can always customize based on how you’re doing or feeling.

Personally, as I started to feel more energized, the library made it easy to find additional workouts to supplement what I was already doing. Once I completed a workout session, the app automatically logged that activity in my profile.

Connect With The Community

Joining the DoFasting community allows you to connect with fellow users, receive support, and swap tips and advice. I found the community platform in the app to be intuitive and easy to use. It was great to compare notes with other users and get the occasional morale boost when I was fighting cravings.


What Supplements Do You Get?

There’s some confusion when it comes to DoFasting supplements. DoFating isn’t a supplement company, but they offer their own line of supplement products if you’d like to implement them into your plan. To do this, DoFasting takes your health history, health goals, and current challenges into account to offer tailored recommendations from their line of supplements. These include appetite suppressants, probiotics, apple cider gummies, and many more. As you progress, DoFasting will continue to suggest products they believe can support your goals.

As a new subscriber, it's crucial to remember that these supplements are not mandatory and may not provide noticeable benefits for everyone, depending on your unique situation. In my case, I had the option to purchase an appetite suppressant for my program.

I found the products to be high quality and effective for their intended purpose. After an indulgent holiday season, my sugar cravings were rampant, and the combination of DoFasting's supplements and programming helped me regain control. The appetite suppressant helped me feel fuller for longer; a game-changer for consistency. In terms of flavor, I can only vouch for the appetite suppressants, which come in two options; orange and strawberry. You can even customize your order to include both flavors. I found the strawberry flavor to be the best.

As for pricing, the appetite suppressant ranges from $1.00 to $1.81 per serving, depending on the supply you choose. The six-month supply offers the best value and aligns with the typical timeframe of most of DoFasting's programs. Even with a three-month supply, the price is competitive with similar products, if not slightly more affordable.


How Much Does DoFasting Cost?

The average user begins with a 3-month subscription, which totals about $16 per month, but you will be billed upfront for the full amount of $48. Keep in mind that these prices can fluctuate and can be affected by seasonal promotions. It’s important to point out that there is currently no free version of the DoFasting app.

After you take the questionnaire and the app presents you with your proposed game plan, you will be led to a signup page where you can choose from a few pricing plans.

Here's a breakdown of DoFasting’s current subscription plans:

  • Month-to-month plan: $37
  • 3-month plan: $48 ($16/month)
  • 6-month plan: $159 ($11.50/month)

The Benefits and Drawbacks of DoFasting

After two months of use, I found the app to be a game changer. It’s great at helping set fasting goals and track your progress. However, like any product, it has its share of hits and misses. Here's a quick rundown of what I appreciate and what could be improved:


  • Broad selection of fasting programs to choose from
  • Clear direction on when to eat and when to fast
  • Several reminder options for starting and ending fasts
  • 1,000+ healthy recipes for your eating window
  • Easy-to-follow video tutorials for workouts
  • Efficient tracker for monitoring food, water, and calorie intake
  • "Gamified" weight loss progress tracking for motivation
  • Intuitive app interface
  • Optional supplements
  • Smart scale seamlessly integrates with app


  • No free trial is available
  • App may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with specific health conditions
  • Paid app still comes with advertising pop-ups
  • Canceling your subscription is unreasonably difficult
  • Lots of upsells
  • No LITE version of the app
  • No barcode scanner for monitoring calories

While DoFasting offers a comprehensive suite of features, you should weigh the pros and cons to determine if it's the best fit for your weight loss journey and lifestyle.


Is DoFasting a Good Fit For You?


Many people find intermittent fasting to be the ideal eating solution for their goals and lifestyle. As more studies come out attesting to its short and long-term benefits, it’s distinguishing itself as one of the most effective diets for weight loss. Whether DoFasting is a good fit for you will depend on a variety of personal factors. I was fresh off a holiday season that featured unlimited amounts of candy, desserts, and processed foods. I was falling for every food that came my way.

As a fitness professional, I wasn’t unfamiliar with what I needed to do to lose weight. However, DoFasting offered me the tools, programming, and support I needed to get the job done with little fuss and lots of enjoyment.

DoFasting may be a good fit for you if:

  • You don’t mind skipping meals: IF centers around time windows when you eat and others when you don’t. As someone who regularly skips breakfast and eats a late lunch by default, DoFasting was the program that most fit my meal timing preferences.
  • You still want to enjoy your favorite foods: As a lover of carbohydrates and pizza, I need a program that gives me the freedom to enjoy these foods occasionally. As an adult who pays taxes, I hate feeling restricted, and an app telling me what I can’t do makes me want forbidden foods even more. DoFasting checked the boxes in this area. The app will always suggest healthy food options but, in my experience, gives you enough wiggle room to enjoy the foods you want within reason.
  • You want to have satisfying mealtimes: I have friends who don’t mind eating five to six small meals a day for weight loss. For me, it always felt like I was being deprived. It also kept me in dietary “purgatory,” where I wasn’t hungry; but wasn’t full either. The benefit of keeping your calories to an eating window is that it allows you to consume more calories within a shorter time frame. This approach gave me a greater sense of being full and satisfied.
  • You need seamless progress tracking: I’ve used many app-based programs. Most of them had horrible progress-tracking functionality. Adding my weight, meals, and other data would require multiple button pushes and wasted time. I paired DoFasting with their smart scale. After the initial setup, all I did was step on the scale each morning, and my stats would sync with my profile automatically. Meal tracking was equally simple, with smart features significantly speeding up the input process.


DoFasting vs. Noom

When choosing between DoFasting and Noom, I considered factors like pricing, nutritional flexibility, customization, and support. Both apps have their advantages, but here's why DoFasting may be the better option for some users:


DoFasting gives you several subscription plans. The prices are competitive, making it an affordable option. Noom, on the other hand, tends to be more expensive, which can be a barrier for some.


While Noom and DoFasting are immersive, multi-faceted programs, the core of their approaches are different. Noom focuses on redefining your relationship with food and addressing the why behind your habits and behaviors because it’s a program rooted in educating users and tackling the mental side of weight loss and nutrition.

DoFasting, on the other hand, is built on the foundation of intermittent fasting. While education is involved, its primary focus is providing you with tools to accomplish weight loss and healthy eating simply and sustainably through intermittent fasting.


DoFasting focuses on intermittent fasting, which involves limiting your eating window or fasting for specific periods. This approach allows for more flexibility in your diet, as you can still enjoy the foods you love (within reason) during your eating window. Noom, which emphasizes calorie counting, food choices, and behavioral change techniques, may feel more restrictive for some users.


DoFasting offers personalized fasting plans based on your goals, body type, and eating habits, providing a tailored experience for users. While Noom also offers personalization in meal plans and coaching, DoFasting's focus on various fasting plans (including time-restricted eating and water fasting) might be a better fit for some.


Both DoFasting and Noom provide solid guidance and encouragement. However, DoFasting's app offers a more user-friendly interface and efficient tracking to monitor your progress and stay committed to your goals.


One thing I appreciate about Noom is that it emphasizes educating and redefining your relationship with food and weight loss. When working with new clients, I often point them to Noom for that reason. However, this emphasis can get in the way of some users that just want an actionable game plan and tools to keep them accountable and on track. This was why I ended up choosing DoFasting for myself.

While DoFasting and Noom can be effective for weight loss, DoFasting stands out with its affordable pricing, nutritional flexibility, customization options, and user-friendly support. If you're looking for a more structured approach with the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods within a specific eating window, DoFasting could be the ideal choice for your weight loss journey.

My Final Takeaway (Is it Worth It?)

After using it for several months, DoFasting helped me systematically implement intermittent fasting and get back on track with my nutrition goals. I was able to lose weight in a short amount of time while learning a way of eating that’s both effective and sustainable. The lack of a free trial is frustrating, but it’s not a deal breaker, given the reasonable price point.

If you’ve struggled with antiquated, restrictive dieting and failed to reach your weight-loss goals, DoFasting’s approach could be the solution. It certainly was for me.

Why Trust Us?’s editorial team relies on the knowledge and experience of fitness and wellness experts, including competitive athletes, coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists, and certified trainers. This helps us ensure the products we feature are of the highest standard. Collectively, the team has spent countless hours researching equipment, gear, and recovery tools in order to create the most accurate, authentic content for our readers. Customer satisfaction is also a key part of our review process, which is why we only feature products that are highly rated.

Disclaimer: Always make sure to consult with your doctor before starting a new diet. Any weight loss that totals more than one pound per week over a long period of time is unusual and should be monitored by a doctor.

FAQs About DoFasting

Are DoFasting supplements required?

DoFasting supplements are not required but are offered based on your specific goals and needs. Most users should be able to still get great results from DoFasting without buying these supplements.

How does the DoFasting scale work?

The DoFasting scale measures weight, body fat, muscle, water, and metabolic rate. Once you step off the scale, it will sync with your DoFasting profile and appear in your progress tracker. After analyzing your metrics, the app will give you recommendations on how to stay on track toward meeting your goals.

Does DoFasting work?

Intermittent fasting, which the DoFasting program was based on, can be an effective weight management approach when done correctly and consistently.

How long does it take to see results using DoFasting?

How quickly you lose weight will depend on your unique situation and health history. However, many users have experienced results after the first week of use.

Is there a free version of DoFasting?

At the time of this writing, there is no a free trial of their premium plans or a free version. You will need to pay for a subscription to access its features.

Is it worth paying for DoFasting?

Compared to other weight loss apps and programs, DoFasting is one of the most cost-effective solutions available today. In terms of value, it has many of the same features and resources as other programs but at a fraction of the cost. From that perspective, DoFasting is worth the price.


  1. Yuan, X., Wang, J., Yang, S., Gao, M., Cao, L., Li, X., Hong, D., Tian, S., & Sun, C. (2022). Effect of Intermittent Fasting Diet on Glucose and Lipid Metabolism and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Impaired Glucose and Lipid Metabolism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International journal of endocrinology, 2022, 6999907.
  2. Moro, T., Tinsley, G., Bianco, A., Marcolin, G., Pacelli, Q. F., Battaglia, G., Palma, A., Gentil, P., Neri, M., & Paoli, A. (2016). Effects of eight weeks of time-restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in resistance-trained males. Journal of translational medicine, 14(1), 290.
  3. Vasim, I., Majeed, C. N., & DeBoer, M. D. (2022). Intermittent Fasting and Metabolic Health. Nutrients, 14(3), 631.

About the Author

David Fang

David Fang

David Fang started his career by studying medicine at the State University of New York. Today, he works as a competitive CrossFit athlete, Olympic lifter, and fitness consultant who knows that the key to peak performance starts with rock-solid mental resilience and psychology. David has worked with coaches and athletes from the University of Louisville and Duke University to aid in building a powerful mind-body connection.

See More from David

David Fang started his career by studying medicine at the State University of New York. Today, he works as a competitive CrossFit athlete, Olympic lifter, and fitness consultant who knows that the key to peak performance starts with rock-solid mental resilience and psychology. David has worked with coaches and athletes from the University of Louisville and Duke University to aid in building a powerful mind-body connection.

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