
Best Treadmills for Running 2023

man running on a treadmill

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Even when you love to run, sometimes running outdoors just isn't possible and you need another option. If you’re looking to enhance your home workout equipment with a brand-new treadmill, the search can be overwhelming. But the right machine can help you maintain your exercise regimen, train for an upcoming race, or reach your overall fitness goals from the comfort of home.

There are hundreds of treadmills out there, all offering great options, so the ACTIVE Reviews Team went ahead and did the research for you. Here is our list of the best treadmills for running. If you're looking for the best treadmill for your home, not specific to running, check out the best treadmills for home. So lace up your running shoes, fire up your favorite running app, and dive right in!

The Best Treadmills for Running - Our Top Picks

Why Trust Us?’s editorial team relies on the knowledge and experience of fitness and wellness experts including competitive athletes, coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists, and certified trainers. This helps us ensure the products we feature are of the highest standard. Collectively, the team has spent countless hours researching equipment, gear, and recovery tools in order to create the most accurate, authentic content for our readers. Customer satisfaction is also a key part of our review process, which is why we only feature products that are highly rated.

Best Overall Treadmill - Echelon Stride-5s

Echelon Stride-5s


  • Motor: 1.5 chp
  • Running deck: 22” W x 60” L
  • Max speed: 12.5 mph
  • Incline: 15% (16 levels)
  • Weight capacity: 400 lbs.
  • Dimensions: 81"L x 36"W x 63"H
  • Warranty: 1-year parts and labor


With its impressive speed and incline settings, and sturdy, cushioned running deck, the Echelon Stride-5s gets out top pick as the best overall running treadmill. The Stride-5s can reach top speeds of 12.5 miles per hour—making it the fastest on this list—and an incline of 15%. It also has a 24" HD touchscreen that integrates with the Echelon App giving you access to live and on-demand classes, as well as the option to rotate the screen in order to take advantage of one of their yoga or Pilates classes on active recovery days or try a cross-training session.

In addition to its large footprint and durability, the Echelon Stride-5s features a Duro50 cushioned suspension deck, that absorbs and lessens the impact on your joints and helps keep the noise levels of the machine at a minimum. Lastly, this machine has several safety features in place to prevent accidents, such as a rear-frame safety bar, a safety stop lanyard, and an emergency stop button. This helps make the Echelon an excellent running treadmill option for all ages and skill levels.

What We Like

  • Higher than average max speed and incline settings
  • Cushioned running deck
  • 24" HD touchscreen
  • Multiple safety features
  • High weight capacity

What We Don't Like

  • Doesn't fold
  • Warranty is limited
  • Heavier and may be harder to move

BUY: Echelon Stride-5s

Runner-Up - NordicTrack Commercial 1750

NordicTrack Commercial 1750


  • Motor: 3.75 hp
  • Running deck: 22” W x 60” L
  • Max speed: 12 mph
  • Incline: 15%; -3% decline
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.
  • Dimensions: 80"L x 38"W x 65"H
  • Warranty: 10-year frame, two-year parts, one-year labor warranty


The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Treadmill continues to find itself on several lists of best treadmills on the market, and it’s our top pick for serious runners. Whether you’re looking to maintain your fitness level during the offseason or for a fitness community that will motivate and coach you, this treadmill fits the bill. Perhaps the most impressive features (and there are a LOT to choose from) are the Google Maps custom route capabilities, cushion control, the shock-absorbing deck, and expansive incline/decline ranges. With iFIT programming, you can virtually run up Heartbreak Hill of the Boston Marathon or hike the Swiss Alps all from home!

The treadmill actually adjusts to real-life terrain, and the bright, 14-inch touchscreen displays the street view of your route. The plethora of workout programs that come with the free 30-day trial of iFIT is sure to keep you in check and on track to meet any fitness goal.

There are a few things to note before making your purchase, though. While this NordicTrack treadmill is foldable, buyers report that the weight of the machine makes it difficult to move. And note that after your 30-day free trial of iFIT expires, you’ll have to pay a small monthly fee.

What We Like

  • High-quality construction
  • Cushioned running deck
  • Incline and decline ability
  • Has Bluetooth speakers and AutoBreeze™ Fan
  • Can be folded to save space

What We Don’t Like

  • Expensive side
  • Have to pay monthly for iFit after 30-day trial
  • Can be difficult to move

BUY: NordicTrack 1750

Best Folding Treadmill - Sole F63

man running on a treadmill


  • Motor: 3.0 hp
  • Running deck: 20” W x 60” L
  • Max speed: 12 mph
  • Incline: 15%
  • Weight capacity: 325 lbs
  • Dimensions: 66"H x 35"W x 82"L
  • Warranty: Lifetime coverage frame and motor, 3-year parts, 1-year labor warranty


The Sole F63 treadmill is a great fit for those looking for a high-quality, durable, and budget-friendly treadmill that easily folds and is lightweight enough to be moved out of the way. With just one step, the deck lifts and locks into place before rolling it away for storage. The Sole F63 has great specs, too: It’s equipped with a 6.5-inch LCD screen integrated with the Sole Fitness mobile app, a heart rate monitor, 10 pre-set training programs, a fan, Bluetooth audio speakers, and a USB port.

Notably, Sole Fitness communicates with numerous other training apps, so you can choose your training platform and view it on your phone in real time. Zwift, Fitbit, and MyFitnessPal are just a few of the more commonly used training programs that Sole Fitness can pair with. If watching workout metrics isn’t your thing, don't worry. The new tablet holder with a USB port opens the door for many entertainment options while keeping devices charged for your whole workout. Plus, the sturdy frame of the Sole F63 has an impressive weight capacity of 325 pounds.

What We Like

  • Easy-fold design is great for smaller spaces
  • Includes heart rate chest strap
  • Well-made and durable construction
  • 10 pre-set programs
  • 15% incline
  • Generous warranty policy

What We Don’t Like

  • Need Studio App membership to access classes
  • Some reviewers had issues with durability and tech
  • Tends to shake at higher speeds

BUY: Sole F63

Best Space-Saving Treadmill - Echelon Stride Auto-Fold Connected

Echelon Stride Auto-Fold Connected


  • Motor: 1.75 chp
  • Running deck: 20” W x 55” L
  • Max speed: 12 mph
  • Incline: 10% (12 levels)
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.
  • Dimensions: 69"L x 31"W X 49"H
  • Warranty: 1-year limited parts and labor


Living in a smaller space should no longer prevent you from getting in a substantial workout at home with the Echelon Stride treadmill. This compact treadmill easily folds up to a mere 69.3 inches by 31 inches by 10.5 inches, which makes for very easy storage. Also, at just 156 pounds, it’s easy to move around your home. While the ease of folding and its compact frame make this an attractive treadmill for most urban dwellers, it should be noted that you might make sacrifices in other areas. Let’s explore that.

The Stride has an incline of up to 10% and is fueled by a 1.75 horsepower motor, which does not support heavy training for sustained periods. With a running surface of 20 inches by 55 inches, the Stride is a bit smaller than competitors and not ideally suited for really tall runners. That being said, we can’t ignore the value that a space-saver brings to many people. Plus, the Stride does offer a myriad of other quality attributes, such as access to interactive and engaging programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the purchase of the Echelon United app, an 18.5-inch screen displaying digital metrics, and a frame-balanced elastomer for impact absorption.

What We Like

  • Compact, foldable design
  • Large display screen with built-in device holder
  • "Live chat" customer service feature
  • 30-day return policy
  • Echelon United App available 24/7

What We Don’t Like

  • Might not work for taller or heavier runners
  • Smaller running deck than other options
  • Low horsepower may not be strong enough for serious runners

BUY: Echelon Stride Auto-Fold Connected

Best Under $1,000 - Horizon 7.0 AT

Horizon 7.0 AT


  • Motor: 3.0 hp
  • Running deck: 20” W x 60” L
  • Max speed: 12 mph
  • Incline: 15%
  • Weight capacity: 325 lbs
  • Dimensions: 76.5" x 36" x 59"
  • Warranty: Lifetime frame, 3-year parts, 1-year labor


Avid runners, joggers, and cardio fanatics should pay attention to this call-out. The Horizon 7.0 AT is one of the best budget treadmills on the market. With impressive attributes, such as three-zone variable cushioning, built-in speakers, Bluetooth capabilities, a roomy running deck, speed ranges up to 12 miles per hour, and an incline range up to 15%, the Horizon 7.0 is a fantastic piece of equipment for any runner.

When it comes to making treadmill running exciting and convenient, the AT syncs with popular third-party apps, such as Zwift, Peloton, iFIT, and Fitbit, in addition to hosting its own preloaded programs. So while the 7-inch screen is on the small side and is not a touchscreen, you can connect your choice of training app and view live metrics on the screen while you work out.

Additionally, the latest Horizon 7.0 updated its console by including new QuickDial controls on the upright handles. The folding system also makes it very easy to store the 7.0 AT when not in use.

What We Like

  • Budget-friendly
  • Built-in Bluetooth speakers
  • Excellent warranty
  • Folding design
  • Max incline of 15%

What We Don’t Like

  • Smaller screen than other options; not a touchscreen
  • Thinner belt less than ideal for those with knee/joint pain
  • Lack of interactive programming

BUY: Horizon 7.0 AT

Best Treadmill with Interactive Programming - ProForm Pro 2000

ProForm PRO 2000


  • Motor: 3.25 hp
  • Running deck: 20” W x 60” L
  • Max speed: 12 mph
  • Incline: 12%, -3% decline
  • Weight capacity: 300 lbs.
  • Dimensions: 77.3" L x 35.3" W x 59.6" H
  • Warranty: 10-year frame, two-year parts, one-year labor


The ProForm Pro 2000 is a formidable value purchase if you're looking to expand your home gym with a high-tech, durable and competitive treadmill. This treadmill features the iFIT training platform, which houses more than 16,000 workout options suitable for all fitness levels. In purchasing the ProForm PRO 2000, you get a free 30-day trial of an iFIT Family Membership. Owners can also opt to utilize only the 50 on-board workout programs. However, the on-demand trainer-led workouts via iFIT are hard to pass up because they take out the stress of having to plan an effective workout every day. Plus, the ProForm automatically shifts speed and inclines or declines to match the iFIT workouts, so all the thinking is done for you.

The ProForm features a 10-inch touchscreen, built-in fans, Bluetooth speakers, custom Google Maps routes, oh and it’s a folding treadmill! The integration of Google Maps means you can literally train anywhere in the world (virtually of course), and the ProForm matches the topography of your chosen route. To get more information, check out our Proform Pro 2000 Review.

What We Like

  • 10" HD touchscreen
  • 30-day iFIT trial
  • Can integrates Google Maps
  • Foldable, compact design
  • Automatic incline and decline to match programmed workouts

What We Don’t Like

  • Have to pay for iFit after the 30-day trial
  • Can't connect to third-party apps
  • Assembly can be difficult

BUY: ProForm 2000

Best Manual Treadmill - TrueForm Trainer

TrueForm Trainer


  • Motor: Non-motorized
  • Running deck: 17” W x 64” L
  • Incline: N/A
  • Weight capacity: 280 lbs.
  • Max speed: N/A; user-controlled
  • Dimensions: 64” L, 31” W, 63” H
  • Warranty: 5-year for frame, parts, and components, 1-year labor


The TrueForm Trainer is one of the best manual treadmills on the market. The U-shaped running platform relies on the runner for power, not a motor, so it moves as fast as you do. Plus, it reinforces proper running form by compelling you to strike midfoot. Most curved trainers boast a solid 67 to 71 inches in length, but the Trainer measures 64 inches. For runners that are taller or that have longer strides, this could be a factor. However, the space you save with the shorter running platform is a bonus.

Also, the polyurethane-reinforced responsive belt technology (RBT) and molded thermoplastic elastomer tread reportedly create a more natural surface, so it might actually feel like you’re running outside. So the shorter running deck isn't really that prohibitive to most individuals.

The TrueForm Trainer display shows pace, speed, distance, and time, and while you can set your time or distance goals, metric junkies won’t get much from the TrueForm Trainer display.

What We Like

  • Unique curved treadmill design; runner powers machine instead motor
  • Great for sprinting and improving form
  • Compact
  • Easy to assemble

What We Don’t Like

  • Display screen lacks metrics like split times, pace, or lap options
  • Might not work for taller runners or runners with longer strides
  • Expensive

BUY: TrueForm Trainer

Benefits of Treadmills for Running

Aside from the benefits of regular running for cardiovascular health and weight loss, having home access to a treadmill is a great way to stick to your running schedule on days when the weather isn't cooperating or the gym is a no-go. Running on a treadmill has also been shown to help alleviate stress and anxiety, thus improving your mental health.

A solid, sturdy treadmill made for running can take a heavier beating and help you to take your training up a notch by incorporating speed, incline, and the ability to monitor your stats as you advance over time. You also have the ability to improve your running form and cadence and lessen the impact on your joints by using a treadmill.

How to Choose the Best Treadmill for Running for You

You've decided you want to expand your home gym with a treadmill, or perhaps this is the first purchase you're making for a home workout space. Before you sign on the dotted line and pick a treadmill, let us walk you through some key factors to consider.


There are many budget-friendly treadmills on the market (even ones under $1,000) on the market, but buyer beware: Go too cheap and you’ll be looking at a treadmill you can’t even use because it’s broken. On the other end of the spectrum, high-end treadmills might have things you don’t really need for your running experience. A powerful motor is great, but it quickly ramps up the price, which might be unnecessary for someone who just wants to walk.

Fitness Goals

Before you commit to a home treadmill, you first need to identify your health and fitness goals. If you're an avid runner looking to compete, you need the functionality of a high-performing treadmill, which would include a motor of 3.0 horsepower or more and a max speed of at least 12 miles per hour.

If you simply enjoy running recreationally, you can save a little money by opting for a budget-friendly treadmill with a lower CHP motor or one with a top speed of 10 miles per hour or lower. Beginners especially may not want the decline and incline settings that come on more expensive treadmills (though it could be something to consider as you grow as a runner).

Training Apps

Are you looking for a home-use treadmill that provides captivating workouts beyond just running or walking? If so, you want to look at high-end treadmills that have immersive technology, such as iFIT or Passport Virtual Active Technology. These programs offer a plethora of exercise options for any fitness junkie, like interval training, HIIT workouts, and more.

If you're a loyal user of iFIT, Zwift, or Fitbit (for example), you'll want to pick a treadmill that communicates and supports these platforms. You can always continue to use your mobile device to sync other fitness apps, but it's really nice to have one platform logging all your workouts and storing them in one place.

Storage and Portability

Sometimes, size really does matter. But all kidding aside, the space for your treadmill is a huge factor in picking the right one. Smaller spaces dictate the need for compact machines with a smaller running platform and easy folding capabilities. Many of today’s treadmills do have a folding option, but few are easy to actually fold. Be sure to look at the weight of the treadmill, the dimensions both when folded and not, and to see if it comes with transport wheels. The last thing you want in an apartment is a giant treadmill that becomes a drying rack for your laundry rather than a workout tool.

Extra Features

Extra features on treadmills range from console fans and Bluetooth speakers to tablet holders, USB ports, and TVs that can stream. These features could be worth the extra money if you need some external motivation to exercise regularly. But if the bells and whistles don't excite you, narrow your search by focusing on motors, running platforms, and warranty information.


Finally, knowing the warranty of the machine is another important factor. Even the best treadmills out there can have parts break or get damaged, so while many buyers may glaze over the warranty, we believe it's an important factor to consider. Most treadmills have lifetime warranties on frames and motors. The biggest difference in warranties usually falls in the parts and electronics department, as well as labor. Most reliable treadmills come with at least a one-year warranty on parts while lower price point models may only offer 90 days. Labor is usually included for up to a year on most mid-range or higher-cost treadmills, so make sure you read the fine print before buying.

FAQs About the Best Treadmills for Runners

Should runners use a treadmill?

Treadmills can be a great tool for structured speed workouts. A treadmill can act as a track, taking out factors like hills and crosswalks to help you work on maintaining a certain pace. Plus, treadmills eliminate weather factors that can inhibit or alter your planned workout.

Why is it harder to run on a treadmill?

A treadmill belt propels you forward. While you may think this would make your run easier, it actually forces you to use more of your quads, rather than your hamstrings. This small change can cause some people to feel like it is harder to run on a treadmill than it is to run outside. There is also the added factor of mental toughness due to the fact that you are not running toward any physical finish line.

What are the disadvantages of running on a treadmill?

Because treadmills are hard, flat surfaces, they may cause discomfort or joint pain for some people. Running on cushioned surfaces like grass or dirt helps absorb the impact of each stride, however, a treadmill does not allow for this.

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