- The Hit LLC
- The Hive Creative Consulting
- The Hive, LLC
- The Hochstein School
- The Home Course
- The Home EC Center, Inc.
- The Homeschool Experience
- The Honey Foundation
- The Honeywell Foundation, Inc.
- The Hot Lips Hustle 5K
- The Howard School
- The HUB Houston
- The Humane Society of Bay County, Inc.
- The Hunger Run 5K
- The Hunter Farm
- The Hutchinson Bell - Central Alabama Chapter
- The Ice Cream Race
- The Icla da Silva Foundation
- The Inferno LLC
- The INN
- The Inner Athlete
- The Institute for Learning in Retirement, Inc., at Albertus Magnus College
- The International Association of Black Triathletes
- The International School of Music
- The Ireland Fund of China
- The Island CC
- The Jailbreak
- The Jim Utley Foundation
- The Jointure Community Programs
- The Jordan Light Foundation Annual Rainbow Run 5K
- The Jordan Michael Filler Foundation
- The Joy Connection - Living Your Joy, Inc.
- The Juior Golf Academy at McGolf
- The June Shelton School & Evaluation Center
- The Junior League of Macon, Inc.
- The Kauai Marathon and Half Marathon
- The Kerry Cup
- The Kewaunee PR Committee
- The Key School
- The Kids Cooking Connection
- The Kids Cooking School
- The Kid's Culinary Academy of Florida
- The Kids' Table
- The Kids Theater Company
- The Kimberly Walton Foundation
- The King of The Hill Dash
- The King's Academy
- The King's Academy Camp R.O.A.R.
- The Kings Valley Christian Camp Society