
11 Easy Recipes for the Family

Try these 11 recipes that are great for all occasions. From breakfast and healthy snacks to lunch and dinner, your whole family will enjoy these meals.

Recipe for an Unbeatable Breakfast

Recipe for an Unbeatable Breakfast

Fuel your morning run with this recipe packed with slow-releasing carbs and quality nutrients.

Breakfast the SMART Way

Breakfast the SMART Way

Are your kids starting their morning without breakfast? Follow these five easy tips to start any morning schedule the SMART way.

How to Make Homemade Energy Bars

How to Make Homemade Energy Bars

Packed with healthy carbs and dried fruit, homemade snacks can be ideal before a workout. Make healthy, delicious energy bars with this fast and simple recipe.

Pack The Perfect School Lunch

Pack The Perfect School Lunch

Send your children off with the fuel they need to learn—and play.

The Diet Detective: Fast and Healthy Home Cooking

The Diet Detective: Fast and Healthy Home Cooking

We spend a lot of time eating out, and the foods we eat when we're out are less healthful than those we cook. Although preparing your own meals can be more complicated, healthy meals are easier to create than you think.

Healthy Potatoes and Onions

Healthy Potatoes and Onions

Add this easy-to-make recipe to any campfire meal.

Quick and Easy Dinner Recipe

Quick and Easy Dinner Recipe

Customize this stuffed chicken dish with your favorite vegetables for a tasty, healthy meal.

Tater Tot Chicken

Tater Tot Chicken

I have been making this over our campfire for about six years now. My kids just love it and it's so easy! Hardly any prep time or work and you have a delicious meal.

Chicken Fajitas

Chicken Fajitas

Any recipe is easy if you can throw all the ingredients in a wrap. Try these fajitas on your next camping trip.

Chicken and Steamed Rice

Chicken and Steamed Rice

Throw together a simple meal for the campfire with this chicken recipe. For best results, marinate chicken overnight.

9 Quick and Healthy Bedtime Snacks for Your Kids

9 Quick and Healthy Bedtime Snacks for Your Kids

Your child will sleep better with a full stomach. Try one of these healthy snacks before bed.

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