
The Pros and Cons of Non-Dairy Milk

Soy Milk


Soy milk is technically not milk, but a beverage made from soybeans. It is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant and is a great milk substitute for vegans and vegetarians.

According to the World Health Organization, dietary sources of estrogen and progesterone (found in soybean products) help women balance their hormone levels when going through menopause. San Francisco nutritionist Linda Ojeda points out that Japanese women experience a very low rate of menopause complaints, which she attributes to their high consumption of soybeans.

The most notable benefit of soy milk is it's naturally cholesterol free and full of essential monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids--good fats. Opting for soymilk can help lower cholesterol and promote cardiovascular health.


Soy milk is very similar to dairy in terms of proteins and fat but it is higher in calorie content. So, if you're looking to use milk to help lose weight, drinking a few glasses of soy milk instead of milk, will add extra calories to your diet.

Like almond milk, soy allergies can be prevalent with young children. If you are allergic to soy, you may experience hives, swelling, diarrhea and vomiting.

Rice Milk


Rice milk is the most hypoallergenic compared to other options. Those who are lactose intolerant or suffer from soy or nut allergies can safely drink rice milk.

Rice milk has the highest amount of manganese and selenium compared to the other milk substitutes. Both of these are powerful antioxidants that are proven to help against infections and boost your immune system.

Rice milk has the least amount of fat, only 1 gram per serving, and is cholesterol free.


Rice milk contains 3-4 times the amount of carbohydrates than the alternatives. This can be potentially bad for diabetics, causing a sudden sugar overload. For those who try to stick with a low-carb diet, rice milk isn't the best option.

It's also low in proteins and calcium. Where milk and soymilk have 7-8 grams of protein per serving, rice milk only has 2 grams. It also only provides 1% of your daily calcium need per serving.

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About the Author

Suzanne Corey

Suzanne Corey is a journalist and athlete. She competes in events around the country, including a marathon in Hawaii, a sprint triathlon in California, a rockin' half-marathon in Tennessee, and a century ride through Vermont and New Hampshire. When she's not training, Suzanne is raising two daughters and dreaming of a half-ironman. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Suzanne Corey is a journalist and athlete. She competes in events around the country, including a marathon in Hawaii, a sprint triathlon in California, a rockin' half-marathon in Tennessee, and a century ride through Vermont and New Hampshire. When she's not training, Suzanne is raising two daughters and dreaming of a half-ironman. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia.

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