
5 Mouthwatering Meatball Recipes

Meatball on a Stick

For this you'll need toasting forks, cooked meatballs and patience to toast them over the fire. Use commercial, frozen meatballs for their firmness or make your own tightly packed.

2 large, cooked meatballs per person, thawed
2 triangles crescent dough per meatball
Canned tomato sauce
Italian seasoning

Put a meatball firmly on each toasting stick or fork. Separate crescent dough into squares. Press seams to make a solid square of dough. Brush squares lightly with tomato sauce, leaving edges clean. Dip a finger in water and go around edges so they'll seal better. Sprinkle lightly with Italian seasoning. Wrap dough competely around each meatball, sealing edges tightly. Toast slowly by holding toasting forks over the coals, turning often, until dough is golden brown.

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Meatballs in Peach Heaven

10-ounce jar peach jam or preserves
1 cup barbecue sauce
Small can or jar of chicken gravy
16-ounce package of meatballs, thawed
3 cups cooked rice

Heat peach jam with barbecue sauce and gravy until well blended. Add meatballs to heat through. Serve gravy over rice and top with meatballs. This recipe serves four to six people.

Meatball Burritos

1 box turkey stuffing mix
Hot water
16-ounce package meatballs, thawed
4 burrito-size flour tortillas
1 can cranberry sauce, mashed

Stir enough hot water into stuffing mix to make it moist. Lay out tortillas and spread with a little cranberry sauce. Spoon stuffing down the center and arrange three or four meatballs atop the stuffing. Fold burrito style. Place burritos seam side down in a large, sprayed skillet. Cover and cook over low fire until heated through. This recipe serves four people.

Note: If you have leftover stuffing, add an egg, make patties and fry it until crusty.

More means with meatballs:

  • Frozen, cooked meatballs will thaw in the cooler but will be good for up to three days if kept cold.
  • Thaw frozen meatballs, mash them with a fork and heat with a can of sloppy joe sauce. Serve in buns.
  • Make kebabs with meatballs plus fruit or vegetables.
  • Stew potatoes, celery, carrots and any other favorite stew vegetables in broth until tender. Stir in cooked meatballs to heat through.
  • Mix up your favorite recipe and put the meat into a circle on a piece of waxed paper. Cut the circle in half, quarters or eighths and meatballs will be evenly sized.

More: Hot Dips and Camping Trips: 5 Tasty Recipes to Try

See more of Janet Groene's camp-ready recipes at

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About the Author

Janet Groene

Janet Groene is a travel writer, RV blogger and contributor to She spent 10 years on the road and has written more than two dozen books. Read more about Janet and find her original recipes at Camp and RV Follow her on Google+
Janet Groene is a travel writer, RV blogger and contributor to She spent 10 years on the road and has written more than two dozen books. Read more about Janet and find her original recipes at Camp and RV Follow her on Google+

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