
4 Ways to Improve Your Swim Technique

Work on Your Stroke Form

We all develop bad habits when we swim, and it can be hard to correct them later in the season when you are focusing on speed and intensity. Now is a great time to work on your body positioning and stroke.

It all starts with your head, so be sure that your head and neck are relaxed, and that you are tilting your head slightly forward as you swim. Doing so makes you more streamlined and has a positive domino effect on the positioning of your neck and spine. 

Be sure to do a nice, smooth S-shaped stroke that is long and complete. Many triathletes who have short, hard pulls would be better-served to have longer pulls that are more relaxed, as this creates maximum momentum and efficiency.

More:10 Elements of the Perfect Freestyle Stroke

Join a Masters Swim Program

Masters swim groups are organized classes of swimmers who get together regularly to swim under the instruction of a coach. A common Masters setup might be 10 swimmers of varying ability with one coach. 

While there is some structure to the workout, much of it will be focused on getting your yardage in while getting tips on form and technique. A Masters swim can be a great place to get tips on technique while providing the benefit of a group workout.

You don't have to commit for a long period of time—a typical Masters class runs for about a month, during which time there are usually eight classes. Most health clubs and YMCAs offer a Masters swimming program.

More:Everything You Wanted to Know About Masters Swimming

Focusing on your swim technique now can shave valuable time off your next triathlon and leave you with more energy for the bike and run.

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About the Author

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson is a triathlon enthusiast who operates, providing open water swim tips, training and race guidance, and triathlon product reviews. The site recently published an eBook for first-time triathletes, Your First Triathlon Guide: Do a Triathlon in 100 Days or Less.

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