
3 On-the-Go Snack Recipes for Cyclists

With race season just around the corner, I have visions of travel to and from hotels and host housing in team vehicles. Not to mention idle time resting with the legs up and large bottles of water in hand. So, what's an athlete to eat between meals in their down time and travel time? Would you like to change it up a bit this season?

Let's take a look at a few simple, on-the-go recipes that are just as good on the bike as they are off it. They're also easy to prepare and full of the nutrients that every cyclist needs—perfect for when you need a quick bite.

Do It Yourself

I've put together a short list of some of my favorite on-the-go recipes. Rest assured, you don't have to be a chef to make any of these, and they're not very time consuming. What will you end up with? Double or triple recipes for "dozens." Your teammates will love you.

Instead of grabbing commercial muffins with trans-fats, or super healthy muffins for $5 each, try these recipes for homemade sweet potato muffins, simple, delicious date balls (you can get creative with these) and the ultimate dried fruit and nut bars (trust me you'll never want to spend money on one again).

More: The Importance of an Athlete's Digestive System

Do you hate the idea of baking? If you have a teammate that likes to cook and you are a better wrench, how about swapping wrenching for some baking? Of course this is for those not so fortunate to have a mechanic and soigneur cleaning their bikes and cooking for them, but even pros have to do some of their own cooking.

Simple Cooking is Good Cooking

These recipes are simple and quick. Two of them require a food processor. If that word scares you, don't let it. Food processors are cheap these days and all they do is mix up your dried fruit, cocoa and maple syrup. I use the simple Cuisinart. It's small and would travel well in a suitcase. But, of course, don't bring it as a carry on when traveling, as it does have a blade. And it's just one button, so don't be intimidated.

The first two snacks are more carbohydrate dense, whereas the fruit and nut bar is more balanced with fats and proteins. If you're an hour or 90 minutes out from a ride, the date balls and muffins are a great go to. The fruit and nut bars are more ideal for a regular snack between meals, keeping your calorie intake up for those big training days. Remember, you can always double the serving size of any of these to meet your needs.

More: Pre-Race Nutrition Guide for Cyclists

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