
Cyclist's Guide to Injury Prevention

From road rash and broken bones to knee pain or numb hands, cycling injuries come in a wide range of pain and from a variety of sources. Improve your bike fit, avoid accidents and recover quickly with these tips.

Tight IT Band? 3 Simple Exercises to Fix it Now

Tight IT Band? 3 Simple Exercises to Fix it Now

Having issues with your IT band? Before you're forced off the bike, try these exercises to spur on the healing process.

How Cyclists Can Improve Their Bone Health

How Cyclists Can Improve Their Bone Health

Studies have shown that cyclists generally have poor bone density, but that can be fixed. Here are some strength-training tips for riders looking to strengthen their skeletal system.

Overcoming an Injury

Overcoming an Injury

The effects of an injury may not be entirely physical. Mental fitness can help manage and accelerate your recovery process.

Preventing Saddle Sores

Preventing Saddle Sores

Getting back on the bike after a layoff can literally be a pain in the butt. Making a few adjustments to your cycling wardrobe and bike, however, can limit the risk for saddle sores.

When Flesh Meets Earth

When Flesh Meets Earth

Call it a scrape, a strawberry, minor abrasion or road rash; but they are all basically the same injury. Read on for ways to deal with wounds.

Return to Racing: A Post-Crash Training Plan—Part I

Return to Racing: A Post-Crash Training Plan—Part I

A bad crash can mean a long road to recovery. Here's a look at how one cyclist didn't just get back on the bike, but back in the game.

Return to Racing: A Post-Crash Training Plan—Part II

Return to Racing: A Post-Crash Training Plan—Part II

In Part I, our injured cyclist began his return to racing with short workouts on the indoor trainer. Was he able to overcome the mental walls his crash created and rejoin the peloton?

Broken Bone Breakdown

Broken Bone Breakdown

Crashes happen--whether you're racing or commuting to work. Here's what you need to know when life gives you a break.

How to Avoid Lower Back Pain While Cycling

How to Avoid Lower Back Pain While Cycling

Back pain is a common problem among aging Americans, but it can also strike younger cyclists. End the aches by correcting these causes.

Women-Only Cycling Issues Explained

Women-Only Cycling Issues Explained

Saddle sores and groin problems can quickly sap any desire to get on a bike. Here is some clarification on various causes and solutions to certain women-only issues.

Every Cyclist's Enemy: Exploring Lactic Acid

Every Cyclist's Enemy: Exploring Lactic Acid

You've felt it on steep climbs, short sprints or walking up stairs after a long ride--lactic acid. Learn how it affects your muscles and what, if anything, you can do about it.

Men Who Shave Their Legs

Men Who Shave Their Legs

Smooth legs are expected on pro cyclists, triathletes and Olympic swimmers. But what's the reasoning behind age-groupers taking to the razor?

Bee-ware: The Danger of Bee Stings While Cycling

Bee-ware: The Danger of Bee Stings While Cycling

Though small in stature, bees and wasps can wreak havoc on a bike rider. As these two stories reveal, a season can be ruined when athletes underestimate a simple sting.

Protecting Against Bone-Density Loss

Protecting Against Bone-Density Loss

Cycling is a non-weight bearing sport, which is great for avoiding impact-related injuries. But an absence of load-bearing activities can lead to crippling skeletal maladies down the road. Learn what you can do.

Tight IT Band? 3 Simple Exercises to Fix it Now

Tight IT Band? 3 Simple Exercises to Fix it Now

Having issues with your IT band? Before you're forced off the bike, try these exercises to spur on the healing process.

Cycling Medicine: Acute Overuse of the Legs

Cycling Medicine: Acute Overuse of the Legs

In the rush to cram cycling into our busy lifestyles, recovery is typically the first thing that gets thrown out the window. What happens when we push our bodies too far by trying to do it all?

Uncomfortably Numb - Tips for Healthy Hands

Uncomfortably Numb - Tips for Healthy Hands

Pins-and-needles, decreased grip strength and even numbness in your hands can be especially annoying to cyclists. Let's examine the causes to find some solutions.

Is My Spin Class Causing Knee Pain and Saddle Sores?

Is My Spin Class Causing Knee Pain and Saddle Sores?

When moving from road cycling to a Spin? class, your bike fit is sometimes lost in translation. Before post-class pain starts to show up, take matters into your own hands.

Love Thy Knees: Get the Right Fit

Love Thy Knees: Get the Right Fit

If you ride a lot, then undoubtedly you've given a moment's thought to your knees. Protecting them, maintaining them, nourishing them, thanking them. Cycling, however, poses some unique threats to our most fragile joint.

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