
10 Full-Body BOSU Ball Exercises

7. Mountain Climbers—Ball Side Down

Place your hands on the sides of the BOSU ball with a firm grip. Hold a steady plank position. When you're ready, lift your right leg a few inches off the ground. Bring your knee to your nose, and then switch legs. Switch legs for 30 seconds at any pace you like. Make sure you keep your stomach tight.

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8. Jumps—Ball Side Up

This move is just like a squat except you jump on the ball side and then jump off. When you jump onto the BOSU ball, hold the squat for two seconds before you jump off. Try to work your way up to 10 seconds.

9. Side Lunges—Ball Side Up

Start with your right foot sturdy in the middle and step your left foot out to the side. Squat. Bring your left foot into the middle of the ball, and step your right foot out to the side. Squat. Keep switching legs until you do 12 reps on each side.

10. Chest Press—Ball Side Up

Grab a set of dumbbells and lay with your back on the ball. Place your feet a few inches from the BOSU ball and lift your hips up. With a weight in each hand, bring your arms out to a "T". Bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle and press up. Repeat 12 to 15 times. This helps work your hamstrings, glutes, chest, arms and core.

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About the Author

Fara Rosenzweig

Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.
Fara Rosenzweig is the Lifestyle Editor for She is a fitness fanatic, yogi and runner who loves to try new activities. Follow Fara on Google+ or twitter @FJRose.

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