
3 Reasons to Use a Workout Schedule

Using a workout schedule can be the deciding factor in your weight loss success formula. While any physical exercise is certainly better than none at all, seeing results greatly depends on consistency, frequency and efficiency.


Life happens in sometimes very unpredictable ways, but we always make it to work or to doctor appointments. Unless you schedule your workouts in the same way you might fall off the exercise wagon rather sooner than later due to simply "being busy."

Reaching your weight loss goals requires consistent effort. A random walk around the block may temporarily relieve your guilty conscience, but it certainly won't melt that stubborn belly fat. Choose specific days and times for your physical activity and stick to them. Before you know it you will be celebrating the mile stones of your gradual progress.


Although it is important to fit your workout schedule around your other obligations, you can hardly expect to get a six-pack from doing ten crunches once a week. If you are serious about slimming down, or toning up, you have to be realistic and put in enough effort to make it happen. Working out less than three times a week might help with weight maintenance, but in order to keep your metabolism in over-drive you have to commit to working out on at least four to six days a week.


Science has come a long way, even in the fields of exercise and weight loss. Instead of wasting your time with boring workouts that fail to produce the desired results, you can now take advantage of proven formulas. The fitness master minds behind sculpting the hot bodies in Hollywood have figured out that it is possible to achieve dramatic results in a short time period without plastic surgery. They had their clients tweak their workout frequency, intensity and nutrition to reach their optimal results. 

While the basic equation of weight loss equals reduced calories consumed minus calories burned still applies, the perfect timing, intensity and frequency of your workout can dramatically speed up your results. But not to worry, you don't have to figure these factors out for yourself. There are plenty of effective workout programs available that take the guess work out of successful training. The much acclaimed P90X and Insanity workout programs by Beachbody? are excellent examples of programs to help you reach your goals.

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Fitness & Weight Loss 101 Examiner Astrid Bidanec has her masters in journalism and 16 years of experience writing on fitness, weight loss and sports. is the inside source for everything local. Powered by Examiners, the largest pool of knowledgeable and passionate contributors in the world, we provide unique and original content to enhance life in your local city wherever that may be.

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