The Avon Walk is one way men and women are fighting breast cancer. The Avon Walk, an event held in cities across the country including San Francisco, Boston and Chicago, raises awareness and money. The event also gives participants a chance to support and celebrate those who have faced the battle against breast cancer. Here are four women who have fought, supported and continue to walk to find a cure.
Linda Chang
Age: 66
Current City: San Jose, California
"In 2004, I took my first step in the Avon Walk. I decided to walk to prove I could do something meaningful and to honor my mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 80 years old. I was going to do one or two walks, but then I was diagnosed in 2005. I knew mine was a "treatable" cancer and felt really fortunate to have the health care options available to me. After a lumpectomy, re-excision, and eventual mastectomy, I recognized how lucky I was to skip the chemo and radiation.
In 2008, I was diagnosed with a different type of breast cancer. Walking until I can no longer make it became a reality. I tested for the BRACII gene and felt so relieved to be told I do not carry it and quickly told my two daughters, don't worry. In 2011, my illusion was shattered. My youngest, at 33 years old, was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. She found the lump one-month before her wedding, had a mammogram, and was told to come in for a biopsy. She told me, her sister and her future husband, proceeded with the wedding and honeymoon and returned to face her treatment.
In the last two years, she's had a double mastectomy, chemo, radiation, and the joyous finale of reconstructive surgery.
Our story is a happy one. We are healthy. We had health insurance. We have a wonderful supportive family and group of friends. I will continue to walk for those who are not so lucky, to fund care, and to continue research and to provide support."
More: The 4 Stages of Breast Cancer
Donna Archer
Age: 49
Current City: Marietta, Georgia
Djuna, my fraternal twin, myself and seven other women in my family, have been diagnosed and beat breast cancer.
The Avon Walk has touched my heart, along with many members of my family. Every year, I look forward to fundraising, for that starts the road to the big day for me. Together we will find a cure."
More: Genetic Testing for Cancer Risk: What You Need to Know
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