
Fitness Advice from One of the World's Top Trainers

2. Be Picky About Your Customers

While many entrepreneurs try to create products or solutions that will appeal to as many people as possible, Verstegen took the exact opposite approach when he launched his company.

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"From the beginning, we were very selective about the people we worked with," he says. "We wanted clients with great values who worked hard, and EXOS is still based on those types of people."

To build your client base, you have to be clear about your purpose and methods. "Clarity attracts like minds," he says.

A venture with a vague or confused message will struggle, says Verstegen. Instead, focus on refining your business's messaging so that it speaks to your ideal customer or client.

3. Show Some Grit

Remember the Apple III, or the Apple Lisa? Probably not, because both were massive failures. The fact that Steve Jobs swung and missed a few times during his early tenure at Apple is evidence that no one bats 1.000.

Likewise, Verstegen says not everything has gone as planned in his career. From struggling through the economic downturn to watching his clients come up short in sports or business, "there's no doubt you're going to get knocked down from time to time," he says.

"But you can't let being knocked down knock you off your goals."

Read the original article published on Men's Health.

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Men's Health

Men’s Health is a brand for active, successful, professional men who want greater control over their physical, mental and emotional lives. We give men the tools they need to make their lives better through in-depth reporting covering everything from fashion and grooming to health and nutrition as well as cutting-edge gear, the latest entertainment, timely features and more.
Men’s Health is a brand for active, successful, professional men who want greater control over their physical, mental and emotional lives. We give men the tools they need to make their lives better through in-depth reporting covering everything from fashion and grooming to health and nutrition as well as cutting-edge gear, the latest entertainment, timely features and more.

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