
Spend Valentine's Day Outdoors

Remember that credit card commercial where the woman buys climbing gear, telling us she purchased "a new belt, some nylons and what girl wouldn't need new shoes?" Then she flies to Utah with her boyfriend and, at the summit of the rock formation, Ancient Art, she informs us "we talked about getting a diamond, but I took him to the rock I really wanted."

Sexy, right? Well,?our annual?lovers' holiday is coming up so, instead of gorging on rich sauces, starchy pastas and lots of wine, find some adventurous and fun outdoors Valentine's Day activities in which to partake, instead.

Here are some suggestions:?

A Moonlight Snowshoe

No matter how full the moon is, ambient night light reflects off the snow and makes moonlit activities easy to do and severely romantic. So bundle up, pour yourselves some hot chocolate in a thermos to share and hit the woods together. Remember to bring safety precautions, just in case: headlamp, extra food, cell phone or smart phone, everything you'd bring on a day hike.?

A Moonlight Anything, for That Matter

Cross-country ski, winter hike and, if there's no snow, see what phase the moon's in on February 14 and if it's at least moderately full, get out there and on a trail, late-night.?

Plan a Ski Trip

Go big and plan a few days in the mountains, complete with cozy accommodations, skiing, dinners and maybe even a couples massage. It won't get more romantic than that...

Daytime Bike Ride, Hike or Trail Run

No snow where you're at? get your endorphins going, get some exercise and create some memories with a long, challenging bike ride (maybe even to an overnight destination), a beautiful hike or trail run.?

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