
3 Ways to Start Chi Running on the Right Foot

Step Two: Engage Your Lean

Once you feel good in your posture, use gravity to your advantage by leaning forward very slightly from the ankles.

  1. While jogging slowly, check in with your posture line and make sure your pelvis is level.
  2. Drop your focus to the bottoms of your feet.
  3. Keep your feet hitting underneath you and let your entire posture line tilt in front of where your feet are hitting.

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You should feel your speed pick up with just a slight lean. Feel the effect of the lean by running for 15 seconds, then bring yourself back to your original upright position, but keep moving forward. Then stop running and walk. Repeat this exercise to feel how gravity can assist your movement.

Keep in mind that the lean is very slight. If you begin to feel any tension in your calves or shins, you're leaning too far forward.

Step 3: Your First Run

  1. Relax. Don't let the first run overwhelm you. Actually, pretend you're not running. Imagine that every time your foot hits the ground, you're just doing a one-legged posture stance. Keep your limbs loose, and remember to breathe deeply and fully exhale.
  2. Keep your stride short. Take very, very small steps. Not only does this prevent you from picking up speed too quickly, your feet will land underneath your center of mass. When your feet land in front of your body, you heel strike, which sends waves of impact up your shins, knees, and hips with every step.
  3. Take walk breaks. Run for as long as you're comfortable, whether it's 30 seconds or five minutes. If you feel out of breath, walk until your breath recovers. Practice this walk/run method for 10-15 minutes. Do more if you feel you can handle it. But, your Chi Running technique comes first, so you should only increase your distance for as long as you can hold your technique.
  4. Check in with how you feel. Set your watch to beep every two minutes to remind you to take note of any tension, pain or fatigue in your body. Make adjustments to your posture, lean and stride length according to the sensations you feel. Our troubleshooting section in the Chi Running book can help you address pain and discomfort with technique fixes and other methods.

Chi Running teaches Gradual Progress, the principle that everyone (and everything) develops incrementally at a unique rate. As a new runner, you have the opportunity to learn good habits right from the start. Take it step by step. You will build distance and speed, and with proper technique, you'll do it more efficiently and without injuries.

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About the Author

Danny Dreyer

Danny Dreyer is the creator of ChiRunning? and ChiWalking?, revolutionary forms of moving that blend T'ai Chi with running and walking. ChiRunning and ChiWalking by Danny and Katherine Dreyer are No. 1 sellers with over 350,000 copies sold. Chi Marathon hits shelves March 2012. The ChiRunning app is now available for iPhone (Android version available Fall 2013). As an accomplished ultra marathoner, Danny speaks at prestigious wellness events across the country. He has taught training groups, including the AIDS Marathon and Team in Training and USA/FIT. Danny, along with more than 180 Certified Instructors, holds capacity-filled clinics around the world. Danny's lifestyle is steeped in holistic living, meditation, and personal wellness and is the foundation of what he teaches.

Danny Dreyer is the creator of ChiRunning? and ChiWalking?, revolutionary forms of moving that blend T'ai Chi with running and walking. ChiRunning and ChiWalking by Danny and Katherine Dreyer are No. 1 sellers with over 350,000 copies sold. Chi Marathon hits shelves March 2012. The ChiRunning app is now available for iPhone (Android version available Fall 2013). As an accomplished ultra marathoner, Danny speaks at prestigious wellness events across the country. He has taught training groups, including the AIDS Marathon and Team in Training and USA/FIT. Danny, along with more than 180 Certified Instructors, holds capacity-filled clinics around the world. Danny's lifestyle is steeped in holistic living, meditation, and personal wellness and is the foundation of what he teaches.

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