
Are You Really a Beginning Runner?

4. How do you plan to train?

a. By myself with the help of a training plan I found online

b. By myself without a particular plan. I will just run and walk as much as I feel like it a few times a week

c. With a charity training group that's led by a coach

d. One of my best friends is training for a marathon, and I'm going to train with her  

e. I'm going to see if I can keep up with the group runs at my local running shoe store

More: 5K Training Tips for Beginners

5. How do you feel when you run?

a. My lungs burn, my legs feel tired, and it's hard to make it around the 2-mile loop in my local park

b. I alternate running with walking, and the running feels hard at the end of my workout, but I can get through it

c. I feel pretty good for the first quarter to half mile when I'm running, but then I start to get tired and some days I'm not able to complete an entire mile without stopping to walk a bit

d. I feel a little embarrassed when I run because I feel like I'm moving so slowly. When I catch people watching me, I usually start walking

e. Running was hard at first, but I added a half-mile each week to one of my runs, and now I feel pretty good that I can run three to four miles without stopping

More: 8 Tips to Overcome Embarrassment of Running in Public

6. How do you feel right after you run?

a. Exhausted

b. I'm happy that I got exercise and feel OK right when I finish, but I get tired later in the day

c. It depends on the day; some days I feel good, and other days I feel really tired

d. I feel pretty good, and happy that I pushed myself to do it

e. On most days, I feel like I could run a little more

More: How Fast Should Beginners Run?

7. If you've been running for a few weeks, how do you feel about your progress so far?

a. I thought running was supposed to make you feel more energetic, but I mostly just feel tired. I also haven't lost much weight yet, so that's frustrating

b. I like how running helps me relieve stress, and I feel like I've accomplished something when I get home from my run (or run/walk)

c. I felt tired for a few days after my last run, then I had to travel for work, and things got busy at home, so I haven't really run in almost two weeks

d. My knee has been bugging me a bit lately, and I'm not sure what to do about it

e. I feel great, and I want to do more to keep the momentum going

More: How Beginning Runners Can Improve Endurance Without Injury

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About the Author

Sabrina Grotewold

Sabrina Grotewold is the running editor for She runs nearly every day, and enjoys cooking and developing recipes, traveling, and hiking.
Sabrina Grotewold is the running editor for She runs nearly every day, and enjoys cooking and developing recipes, traveling, and hiking.

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