
Couch-to-5K Member of the Month: December, 2014

ACTIVE: What has your experience with the program been like?

RADCLIFF: "My experience has been that it's a helpful tool, easy to stay on track and helps to set daily, weekly and monthly goals. The best thing is the weekly progression to get you where you need to be. Anyone can start out with this program."

ACTIVE: Can you tell us about some of your accomplishments thus far since you first started using the program?

RADCLIFF: "Today, I average about an 8:30 to 8:35 mile. I have completed 27 events to date and by year's end will have done more than 30. These events include 2-mile races, 5Ks, 8Ks, 10Ks, a half marathon and even a 93-mile monthly challenge."

More: 9 Mistakes to Avoid in Your First 5K

ACTIVE: What would you say to someone who is struggling to stay in shape or keep up with the program?

RADCLIFF: "I would say that staying in shape is a work in motion, you must first mentally decide that you want to change and then stay persistent with your goals. You have to get sick of what you have become in order to make a change for the better. No matter how big I got or what others said to me, it wasn't until I decided to make the change and move forward did it happen. I was ashamed of what I had become, but today, every time I run or enter a race I have to be thankful for the positive changes. I know that it was me and only me that started and finished each race. When I look in the mirror today, I like who and what I see."

C25K Member December

Do you have an inspiring Couch-to-5K story? Send an email to for your chance to be featured as a Member of the Month.

More: Couch-to-5K Member of the Month: October, 2014

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About the Author


Hunter Hewitt

Hunter Hewitt is an online content editor for As a former collegiate athlete, Hunter has always been passionate about living an active, healthy lifestyle. He enjoys running, basketball, ultimate frisbee and many other outdoor sports and activities. Follow Hunter on Twitter @HunterHewitt
Hunter Hewitt is an online content editor for As a former collegiate athlete, Hunter has always been passionate about living an active, healthy lifestyle. He enjoys running, basketball, ultimate frisbee and many other outdoor sports and activities. Follow Hunter on Twitter @HunterHewitt

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