
How to Start a Running Blog

So you want to create a must-read running blog? Good for you. Bloggers play an increasingly important role in our society. Most runners also like to keep some sort of blog to share their races and running progress throughout the year.

The Internet has done a wonderful job of democratizing information. No longer do you have to jump through the traditional hoops that prevented the masses from having a voice. There are no gatekeepers on the web. There's no need for a journalism degree or even training as a professional writer.

Of course, this removal of minimal requirements has a serious caveat: there is absolutely no quality control. The information available on the Internet ranges from spectacular to abysmal. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It creates a situation where the populous determines what prospers and what fails. Following these 10 tips can help assure your running blog gets noticed.

1. Use topics that will interest others.

Interesting blogs get read. More importantly, they are shared. This creates traffic. Try this simple method to make sure you're writing about interesting topics: think of one specific individual, then write to them. Don't make the mistake of trying to write for everybody. Pick a smaller audience and write about the topics they want to read.

2. Include variety.

There are several themes that often appear in running-related blogs. These include product reviews, educational posts, giveaways, opinion pieces, and race reports. All are good because they serve a specific purpose. Reviews are good for driving traffic, giveaways can bring in new readers, and opinion pieces encourage interaction via comments. If you use any one of these too much, you cheapen the blog. Variety is a good thing.

3. Express your opinion.

Don't be afraid to occasionally ruffle feathers. Controversy is interesting and may stimulate some good discussion. Express your opinions and stay true to them.

4. Network often.

Build relationships with other bloggers, corporations, organizations, and your followers. Get to know them personally. Not only is this rewarding, it helps you understand your role in their universe. This can ultimately help give you a more relevant voice. For running, go to great lengths to talk to as many people as you can from every facet of the running industry.

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