
How to Strength Train Like Gwen Jorgensen

Single Leg Deadlifts

Three sets of 10 reps

Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand. The weight will depend on your comfort level and strength, but lighter is always better to start. Shift your weight onto one foot, lifting the other off the ground. Slowly lever your body so your torso and arms move forward and down while the raised leg moves back and up. Use the weight of the dumbbells to help you balance. Lever until your body is in a straight line from head to raised foot, parallel to the ground. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete all reps on one leg before switching to the other.

Eccentric Calf Raises

Three sets of 10 reps

Find a raised surface that will allow you to move your heels lower than your toes while performing this exercise—stairs, a block or another similar object will work. Stand with your feet together and with just the balls of your feet on the raised surface. Place your hands on your hips or lightly resting on a support to help balance. Slowly raise up on your toes. Lower back down, passing through the starting position so your heels dip below parallel with the raised surface. Repeat the movement.

Supine Alternating Toe Touch

Three sets of 10 reps

Lie on your back with your arms out, perpendicular to your body. Start by lifting your right leg up and over, rotating your hips as you touch your left hand with your right foot. Only go as far as you can without lifting your shoulders or upper back off the ground or losing form in your legs. Bring your leg back to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This counts as one rep.

Bridge Holds

Hold for 15 seconds

Lie on your back with your arms at your sides and legs bent. Lift your hips off the ground, creating a straight line from your knees to your shoulders and leaving your arms on the ground for support. Start by holding the plank position for 15 seconds and work up to longer durations as you get stronger.

Bridge with Movement

Three sets of 10 reps

Get into the bridge position described in the previous exercise. Once your hips are raised, slowly lower them back to the ground and then back up. Repeat.

Rotational Lunges with Medicine Ball

Three sets of 10 reps

Stand with your feet together and a medicine ball in your hands. Step back with your left foot into a lunge while extending the med ball straight in front of you. Make sure your arms are parallel to the ground (if you are unable to hold the med ball up, try using less weight), your back knee is hovering an inch above the ground and your front knee does not move past your front foot (your knee should be directly over your heel). While in the lunge, rotate your torso to the right—the same side as your front leg. Rotate back to the starting position and stand up out of the lunge. Repeat on the other side. This counts as one rep.

Hammy Curls on Swiss Ball—Double Leg

Three sets of 10 reps

Lie on your back and position your lower legs on a Swiss Ball so your hips are raised and your body is in a straight line from shoulders to feet. Place your arms on the ground for support, similar to the positioning in the bridge exercises. While keeping balanced on top of the Swiss Ball, slowly bend your legs, bringing the Swiss Ball toward you. Rotate until the bottoms of your feet are on the ball and your legs make a 90-degree angle. Return to the starting position and repeat. While performing the exercise, make sure to keep your abs and bottom tight to ensure you stay balanced on top of the Swiss Ball.

Hammy Curls on Swiss Ball—Single Leg

Three sets of 10 reps

This movement is similar to the previous exercise but is done with only one leg. Rather than having both legs resting on the Swiss Ball, lift one slightly into the air while performing the curl. You may perform 10 reps on one leg before switching, or alternate after each rep.

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