
5 Running Workouts to Do With a Partner

#4 -- Track Relay Runs
This is a great replacement for speedwork session that has intervals shorter than a mile. Best done on a track or a set loop, you and a partner can take turns running around the track; running is your work interval; the non-running is your recovery.

Instead of doing 8 x 800 (1/2 mile) with 400 recovery on your own, you can now run 800, tag your partner, and then jog 400 while they run 800 so you are ready for them to tag you back. You can do this with all types of distances, simply do the math on where you need to stagger your recovery to be in the right place if you are running 600s or 1200s, etc.

Tip: Feel free to add in more partners as you go; no reason why you can't do a workout like this with two or three other runners!

#5 -- Circuit Running
You might have noticed that all of the above is related to speed or pushing your body. Speed is fun, but even that can be too much sometimes, which is why a Circuit Run is a great alternative. Think of it as a boot camp on the move.

If you live near a fitness path that has stations for you to do cruches, push ups, pull ups / flexed arm hang, rows, etc., then all you need to do is get a buddy and start running. If you don't have such a resource, you can make it up! It's easy to add push ups, sit ups, leg raises, planks (front or side), dips, etc, on basic stationary objects. Simply jog/run for three to five minutes, then do an exercise, and repeat.

Save this for a shorter, easier paced run. Challenge yourself (and your partner) to beat the number of repetitions from last time, and watch each other get fitter and stronger by the week!

Tip: Consider writing down some ideas for exercises on a card so you aren't stuck brainstorming as soon as you find a nice space to do your exercise.

Do you have any other tips on how to make running with someone else more fun? If so, please share them with us below in the comments section. Happy Running!

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