
Hogwarts Running Club Raises Over $500,000 for Charity

Seeing Into the Future

Heading into the second half of 2016, the group has more than 35,000 members and still relies on word of mouth advertising to recruit new Potter fans to the club. 

Becoming a lifetime member is easy. Interested runners only need to like HRC's Facebook page and declare the common oath that, if possible, "You would gladly leave your family and friends behind if you could go to Hogwarts."

Looking into the future, Brian hopes to continue HRC's growth saying, "We started out wanting to raise $500 for charity. For 2016, our goal is to raise $1 million. Initially, I wanted to make a difference, but now I want to make the world a better place. And [HRC] is going to do it, one medal at a time."

Hogwarts Running Club by the Numbers

  • 6: number of virtual races HRC hosts every year.
  • 7: number of medals members have the opportunity to earn (one for each race and an optional challenge medal that can be purchased after completing three HRC races in one year).
  • 15: number of time zones that HRC races are run in during each event.
  • $25: the cost of registering for an HRC race, which includes themed medal and customized bib displaying name and number of the runner's choice.
  • 35,359: current number of HRC members.
  • $166,000: amount of money each 2016 race needs to raise to reach the group's goal of donating $1 million by the end of the year.
  • $500,000+: amount of money donated to charity by the end of 2015.

Want to learn more about Hogwarts Running Club? Visit their website, like the HRC Facebook page and look out for their next race here.

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About the Author

Kara Deschenes

Kara Deschenes is a former collegiate tennis player turned runner, with a passion for inspiring people to be active. As a health and fitness writer, her work has been published by Women's Running magazine, IRONMAN, and When she's not playing on a trail you'll find her soaking in lake life with her puppies. Follow Kara's latest healthy adventures @KaraDeschenes.
Kara Deschenes is a former collegiate tennis player turned runner, with a passion for inspiring people to be active. As a health and fitness writer, her work has been published by Women's Running magazine, IRONMAN, and When she's not playing on a trail you'll find her soaking in lake life with her puppies. Follow Kara's latest healthy adventures @KaraDeschenes.

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