10 Reasons to Do a Triathlon

If you're on the fence about doing a triathlon, there's only one direction to go. Here are 10 reasons you should swim, bike, and run toward the finish line.
Bragging Rights
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Some people want to cross it off their bucket list, others have something to prove: Whatever your motivation is, it feels really good to say, "Yeah, I've done a triathlon."

- Fara
To Meet New People
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Triathletes are motivated people. They are always up for a swim, a ride or an adventure. Open up your circle of friends and see what you find.

To Expand Your Comfort Zone
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"Pushing my physical limits teaches me to be comfortable being uncomfortable...in training and life."

For the Variety
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"Training for three sports is so much more interesting than just training for one."

To Satisfy Your Type-A Personality
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"I LOVE to plan things, so putting together a training calendar is super fun for me.

"Also, if I don't set a goal for myself, and put something on the calendar, I will be a lazy bum."

To Push Boundaries
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"I race to see how far I can push myself, whether it's for a better time or to see if I can complete a harder race."

To Surprise Yourself
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In triathlon, "You always find new boundaries to push, and you discover you're stronger than you thought."

For the Triumphant Finish
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"You feel a lot of different sensory experiences during a race—wind, water, sun, dirt, cold, heat, pain—and they all add up to the triumph of crossing the finish line. It's an adventure that covers a lot of ground and puts your body through its paces, yet takes less than a day and is wholly satisfying."

To Be a Role Model
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"I 'tri' to teach myself—and my daughters—what we're all capable of."

To Find Out What You're Really Made Of
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The truth is, "People are capable of so much more than they think."
