
3 Tips to Avoid Triathlon Training Burnout

A lot of people love to workout for that endorphin rush. 
During long periods of continuous moderate to high-intensity workouts, endorphins are released as a direct relation to prolonged physical stress. This sort of high keeps the athlete or fitness enthusiast coming back time and again.  

But every once in awhile, even the most seasoned and fitness-focused individual finds themselves with a lack of motivation. They've either fallen into a dreaded routine or are uninspired to even complete a workout. 

Burnout isn't too common among professional triathletes. But for the rest of us, seasonal change, work conflict, and emotional ruts can adversely affect our workout motivation.

A simple fix for many people is just changing your routine. If you normally ride at night and darkness is a big part of your workout, it's time to wake up early and switch things up.  

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If you're tired of the monotony of swimming laps in the pool, substitute it a new class or personal training session to keep you challenged and interested. Try out a cross-fit class, Soul Cycle session or pilates reformer private training for a new challenge. 

If working out is truly your passion and you find yourself merely in a 'rut,' a fresh class with new faces may be all you need to refocus and re-inspire.

For others, changing the routine might not be enough. And unfortunately, workout burnout comes with  a ton of negative side effects. Lack of motivation to 'move' inevitably leads to poor choices in diet, disruption in normal sleep patterns, an increase in moodiness and/or agitation, and an overall dissatisfaction with one's self. 

More3 Tips to Avoid Triathlon Training Burnout

When the workouts start to 'go' so does healthy eating, sleep prioritization, and a focus on mind/body wellness. Fortunately, getting back on track may be easier than you imagine.

Here are three simple suggestions to keep your workouts on track.

Phone a Friend

Seek the company of someone you might normally not workout with. Sometimes you just need to revisit an old connection to help you feel inspired. 

Take the time to not only catch up, but be open to the workout they might have planned for themselves. So what if Zumba is something you would never consider? Try it out and have some fun.

Create a New Fitness Goal

Maybe you already have all your races scheduled for the year. Why not create a new fitness goal? Try out a Tough Mudder. Train for a PR on a local 5K. Be open to an athletic activity that might be foreign to you, but still provides an opportunity for training and growth. Swimming's your weakest sport? Hire a swim coach and train to make that activity a higher priority.

Purchase New Gear 

I know it sounds cheesy, but it totally works. Sometimes a workout rut can be easily conquered with some fancy, new clothes and/or equipment. A fresh pair of running shoes and a new Garmin Forerunner will definitely send you out the door and into the wilderness wanting to explore what both of those items can do.

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About the Author

Keely Hedges

Keely Hedges is a San Diego-based personal trainer, spinning and fitness instructor, and regular contributor on She is an avid runner having completed many half and full marathons. She enjoys adventure racing, hiking, and being outdoors as much as she can. Keely also enjoys freelance writing and blogging on her site Like her Facebook page.
Keely Hedges is a San Diego-based personal trainer, spinning and fitness instructor, and regular contributor on She is an avid runner having completed many half and full marathons. She enjoys adventure racing, hiking, and being outdoors as much as she can. Keely also enjoys freelance writing and blogging on her site Like her Facebook page.

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