
8-Week Swim Program for Triathletes

You've likely heard this story before. You finish a triathlon, and after the race, you hear others talk about how well they did on the bike and run, but how poorly they did on the swim. Maybe this has even happened you.

One discipline that's often overlooked by triathletes is the swim.

Performing well in the bike and run legs is important, but having a strong swim will not only decrease your overall time, but also provide more stamina for the other two disciplines. Many triathletes have time-constraints while training, and trying to find the right balance between the three disciplines can be difficult.

Having a training schedule—either through a coach or through the Internet—that gradually increases speed and endurance each week can pay huge dividends on race day. So what's the best training program to improve swimming?

Week-by-week structured programs that start with low-key workouts and progress to more advanced workouts can help an athlete become stronger and faster. A progressive, weekly swim program can be found on the Internet or by joining a master's swim group where a coach provides workouts.

More: 2 Workouts to Maintain Swim Fitness All Year

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About the Author

Marcus Eichhorn

Marcus Eichhorn has participated in the sport of triathlon since 1986. He is a Level I USATF-certified running coach, and coached high school track and cross-country for five and a half years. Contact him at
Marcus Eichhorn has participated in the sport of triathlon since 1986. He is a Level I USATF-certified running coach, and coached high school track and cross-country for five and a half years. Contact him at

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