
Best Ways to Refuel After a Hard Swim

Refueling Based on Workout

Every workout has a purpose to push your body and technique to a new level. On "key" training days, you need to have a higher intake of calories coming from protein and carbs. 


For endurance workouts, it is important to fuel before and during your workout. After a long swim (1.5 hours or longer), you need more calories with the 4:1 ratio of carbs and protein on the higher range of 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. Aim to consume most of the calories within 4 hours of the activity in small feedings. 


Tempo workouts are all about developing your inner tachometer and fuel gauge. It is a mixture between endurance and speed, focusing on enhanced efforts. This also means you will need to eat more after a workout. Consume 4:1 ratio of carbs and protein on the lower range of 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight within 30 minutes. Avoid consuming fats for this meal, as it will slow down the metabolism of the carbs and protein that are needed to recover.


Sprint workouts are all about embracing the burn. These workouts are short and require resting between sets to recover. It is best to refuel between sets with a sports drink. If that is not plausible, consume 4:1 ratio of carbs and protein on the lower range of 1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight within 30 minutes. 


The aim of technique workouts is to slow the stroke down and concentrate on key areas of your form. These workouts usually include kickboards, pull buoys and other swim tools to improve your stroke technique and efficiency. After a swim like this, you simply need to eat a healthy, balanced meal within 1 hour. Aim for a 3:1 carbs to protein ratio, and don't overeat since you won't be burning as many calories.

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