Try this workout when you need a quick but intense session at the gym or at home on your indoor trainer. This core/bike combo comes from Sandy Overly, a Spin and Pilates instructor and USAT coach in Texas, who says it's a favorite of her time-crunched triathletes.
"The workout is intense and fun," Overly says. "My athletes have gained strength, flexibility and better stabilization through these workouts allowing them to improve overall in their triathlon training and performance."
What You'll Need:
- Bike with trainer or Spinner bike if at the gym
- Stability ball
- 5- to 10-pound dumbbells
- Medicine ball
The Workout
- Start with a 10-minute bike warm-up
- Do 5 minutes core/10 minutes bike intervals
- Do 5 minutes core/10 minutes bike intervals
- Do 5 minutes core
- End with a 10-minute bike cool down
Total time: 55 minutes
The Core Exercises: One Minute Each
- Alternating single-leg squats with light weight shoulder press
- Bicycle crunches
- Plank
- Seated medicine ball oblique twists
- Stability ball hamstring curl on back
The Bike Intervals: Two Minutes Each
- Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM (light gear)
- Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to70 RPM (med gear)
- Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
- Alternating 15 seconds standing/seated climbs @ 65 to 70 RPM
- Seated spin @ 80 to 85 RPM
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