
Pro Triathlete Andy Potts' Six Tips for Future IRONMAN Triathletes

Simplify race nutrition.

Nutrition is crucial to success on race day, but most folks over-complicate their race day meal plan. You have to keep it as simple as possible, know your personal needs and understand most nutritional information because you don't always know what will be available on the race course.

I typically use Powerbar products, but if it is not available, I understand what my body needs and the nutritional content of other products. It is not ideal, but it allows me flexibility and the ability to adapt to any situation.

Let the tiger out of the cage.

If you train right, your body and mind should be sharp, fresh and at its peak on race day. You should be excited to race. Too often, we see athletes on the start line mentally and physically exhausted because they have put in long hours and weeks of training with their hardest days behind them. Getting it right requires planning, preparation, consistent monitoring and a firm understanding of your body and how to prepare it for this physical undertaking. At a minimum, make sure you are not over-cooking yourself the week or so before a race. Keep your body and mind sharp and get ready to have your best day!

Get stronger as the day goes on.

In the same way we want to 'let the tiger out of the cage' on race day, we also want to be smart about how much we 'roar' and when. If you look at world records, the entire race is executed almost entirely with even splits or negative splits. Everyone is excited on race day, but it is critical to temper your effort and make sure you are planning to race stronger as the day goes on. If you do this, you will not only have your best time, but you will also enjoy passing your competition all day long.

Andy Potts is a world champion triathlete, former Olympian, IRONMAN champion, husband and father of two. Follow Andy on Twitter and check out the Polar V800.

Ready to swim, bike and run? Sign up for your next triathlon here.

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