
Nutrition Guide

Nutrition Articles & Advice

How Does Exercise Affect Your Heart?

We all know that exercise is good for heart health, but do you know how your heart physically changes to adapt to your workouts? Learn about your h...

4 Things Your Morning Routine Shouldn't Lack

How you start your day will affect you for a good 24 hours. And when you continuously start your morning right, it could affect you in the long run...

How Does War Affect Your Food?

History plays an important role in where we get our food, and what quality of nutrients we consume. Find out what you can do to make sure you're ea...

5 Digestion Tips for Athletes

Avoid stomach issues that can knock you out of competition. Use these tips to strengthen your digestion and improve your performance.


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Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports writer and training intelligence specialist for PEAR Sports.