
3 Kettlebell Exercises for Beginners

Squat, Catch and Shoulder Press

This exercise targets your shoulders, arms, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. Start with feet wide, toe and knees slightly turned out.

Holding the kettlebell by the handle with both hands, slowly lower yourself into a squat. Driving through the heels, stand up and high-row the kettlebell, tossing it into your hands (now holding the base or ball of the kettlebell).

Continue the movement with a mini-squat into a two-arm shoulder press overhead. Lower it to the starting position by sliding hands back to the handle on the way down. Perform the movement for 8 to 15 repetitions and repeat for 2 to 3 sets.

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About the Author

Keely Hedges

Keely Hedges is a San Diego-based personal trainer, spinning and fitness instructor, and regular contributor on She is an avid runner having completed many half and full marathons. She enjoys adventure racing, hiking, and being outdoors as much as she can. Keely also enjoys freelance writing and blogging on her site Like her Facebook page.
Keely Hedges is a San Diego-based personal trainer, spinning and fitness instructor, and regular contributor on She is an avid runner having completed many half and full marathons. She enjoys adventure racing, hiking, and being outdoors as much as she can. Keely also enjoys freelance writing and blogging on her site Like her Facebook page.

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