
Nutrition Guide

Nutrition Articles & Advice

5 IM 70.3 Nutrition Mistakes to Avoid

Don't let these common nutrition mistakes keep you from the finish line. Learn how your nutrition needs change as you move from Olympic to Ironman ...

Your Most Important Pre-Race Meal

Forget the big prerace pasta dinner. The most important meal 24 hours before your race is breakfast. And yes, it involves home fries.

Best Long Run Hydration Habits

Summer was made for long runs, but practicing the right hydration plan can be tricky. Follow this threestep plan to fool proof your strategy.

Post-Workout Smoothie Essentials

To ensure that your postworkout smoothie is delivering the essential carbs, antioxidants, proteins and electrolytes, follow these guidelines that w...

Your 10-Point Plan to Boost Nutrition

Triathlon nutrition, for elite athletes and beginners alike, can be a difficult obstacle on the path to fitness and body composition goals. Use the...


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Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports writer and training intelligence specialist for PEAR Sports.