- The Adirondack Runners
- The Adventure Bureau, LLC
- The After Sunday Project Inc.
- The Angel Fund for ALS Research
- The Animal Care Society
- The Arc Nature Coast
- The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region
- The Arc of Buncombe County
- The Arc of Jefferson County
- The Arc of Tri-Cities
- The Arc of York County
- The Arena Club
- The Army Marathon
- The Art Association of Jackson Hole
- The Art Center Highland Park
- The Art Engine, Inc
- The Art Farm in The City
- The Art Farm NYC
- The Art Garage
- The Art of Life
- The Art Park
- The Art Studio NY
- The Artery Studio
- The Artful Mind
- The Artists Gallery at the Virginia Beach Art Center
- The Arts Center
- The Arts Effect NYC
- The Arts Hub
- The Assembly
- The Athenian School
- The Athletic Headquarters
- The Atlanta Area Young Professionals Network
- The B.I.G. Ride
- The Back Nine Club
- The Badge of Honor Benefit Run, Inc.
- The Baldwin School
- The Bar LLC
- The Battle of Franklin Trust
- The Battlefield MudRun
- The Beautiful Game Soccer Academy
- The Bible Speaks Academy
- The Big Get Together
- The Biggest Loser RunWalk
- The Bike Depot
- The Bilingual Schoolhouse
- The Birthday Run
- The Bit Theater
- The Black Box Improv Theater
- The Blarney Stone
- The Blood and Guts Run