
Yoga Poses & Exercises

Yoga Articles & Advice

The ABCs of Yoga Styles

Everyone's athletic abilities vary and so does yoga. From Hatha yoga to Power yoga, learn about the difference and what's right for you.

Quiz: What Kind of Yogi Are You?

No matter if you're a fitness junkie or a dropin yogi, find out your yogi personality and the best way to crosstrain

5 Yoga Poses for Cyclists

From shoulder stretches to hipflexor openings, add these yoga poses to your cycling routine to prevent injuries.

5 Yoga Poses for Hikers

Strengthen your legs and gain flexibility with these poses that will help boost your hiking performance.

Safety Tips for Backbend Yoga Poses

Backbends are a powerful yoga move to help open your chest and rib cage. However, backbends can also lead to pain. Learn how to safely practice bac...


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